Friday 30 March 2012

2012 - 1/4 of the year gone

So i had planned to update my blog with more regularity in 2011, but alas the realities of being a mum just caught up with me. Or if i was brutally honest - it just wasn't a priority with all the other things need to get done.
The highlights since i last blogged included L's baptism and celebrating this with the family. This was an all day affair beginning at church and then culminated in a family lunch for 30 in our wee little house. It was a hot day that wound up with a massive waterfight with the kids - highly entertaining for all concerned.
Christmas was another highlight, L really got into opening presents and enjoying the gifts and not the packaging.
In January , M hit a birthday milestone, we headed out to a slap up dinner at Rockpool with a seat by the kitchen. Let me tell you that if you can stand the heat get out of the kitchen. M went back to work and our nanny J started. She is truly a blessing for us!
In February, we had a family wedding down in the Southern highlands with perfect weather despite the wet summer. It was a day of great joy. L looked so cute in his bow tie - which i unfortunately did not get a picture of him

In March, we had a family holiday in Oahu Hawaii.. more on that in my next post

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