Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Operation Christmas Child

When my brother moved house earlier in the year, they culled, and as a consequence we were bestowed with a few boxes of toys.  These found their way in the garage waiting to be discovered. 

And finally they did this weekend past. With a few hours to spare, I decided in my wisdom to check out what was in them when the Little Man was not having a nap.  

To the Little Man it seemed like Christmas, there was so much excitement in his little body as each new toy seemed more fantastic then the previous.  More than a dozen toys have now found their way to clutter the house.

How blessed we are to have such great resources available. I know how spoilt our little boy is at Christmas, he gets lots of presentss, from us and from our immediate family. He's only 3 and he knows what a present is and who it's for. 

Then I imagine what it is like to be a child to have never received a present ever in their lives, and maybe only will ever get one during their childhood if at all.

Over the last 6 or 7 years, our family has been involved with Operation Christmas Child with our church.

The way it works is that we decide if we want to pack a box for a boy or a girl, and choose an age group.

We then pack a shoebox filled with useful things for the child; with something
* to love
* for school
* to wear
* to play with 
* for personal hygiene
* special

Include in a card , and donate $9 to cover the shipping costs. Then drop the box off at one of the drop off points. Finer details can be found from their website.

October is when boxes are collected. This year Operation Christmas Child is hoping to touch over 320,000 children's lives, could you do something to help?

I love that I can make a difference even if to one child. 

I am planning to take Little man shopping for this, and hopefully I can teach him something about generosity too!

It's IBOT with Jess today