Thursday, 1 August 2013

Till we meet again

It's a beautiful day today, the rain has passed and the sun is shining brightly in the blue skies above.

It's a beautiful day today, i know that Grandma if she would have seen it would have said the same.

It's a beautiful day today, as we say till we meet again.

It's a beautiful day to celebrate a life well lived.

Today we give thanks for Grandma, dearly loved and sorely missed.

Grandma was a fighter that slipped away on the weekend, taken home.
The last few years have been hard physically on her, her eyesight and hearing gone, the amputation of her leg, she could no longer do many basic things we did for granted. Yet with all this, she maintained a sense of positivity, always still concerned about us; she still wanted to know what we were doing, she turned 90 and got a letter from the Premier wishing her a happy birthday. Most of all she continued to trust in Jesus, and on Saturday morning went home to be with the Lord.

Our hearts are filled with grief, and at the same time great joy that she has gone home.

Till we meet again Grandma! We love you big!