Tuesday, 9 April 2013

discovering my passion

Being unemployed is a funny state to be in, particularly as i have been working since i was 13 years old. Back in those days, the newspaper round brought in some good pocket money.

Now the reality of looking for a job is that it is going to take time, coupled with the lack of practice is an added disadvantage in the fact that i haven't had to really look for a job in over 10 years.

So the question that I face at this juncture is what do I really want to do?

Some of that advice I have been given aligns to that adage of work with your passion and you'll never work a day for the rest of your life.

Wise? Perhaps? 

I have spent the last few weeks mulling over this question - what is my passion? I have been googling and reading articles and forums to work on this. 
There are some really helpful resources out there to help me on this journey.

And if I find my passion - am i good enough at it to turn it into a source of income?

One thing I have discovered thus far, is that I am going to have to invest time in working this out. 

Do you know what your passion is? How did you discover it? If you had nothing to lose, what would you throw your energy and time at?