Friday, 25 October 2013

Five Minute Friday - Together

The last couple of weeks i have been looking forward to Friday nights and participating in Five minute Friday

This week's theme is TOGETHER and here is my piece.

the year has not been kind to us, not kind in the way that one would like. 
it has been marked with events that have been text- booked as high stress events in one's life. Events like moving house, losing a job, losing a loved one. Life has not been kind to us as ordinary people, I can clearly recount the stressful moments that have occurred; the sleepless nights, the worrying, the wondering, and the second guessing.   

Looking back on it now, those events seem momentary, distant memories.

It was easy to feel alone, and misunderstood, but you were there every step of the way. Holding my hand, comforting me when I needed it, when I was filled with self doubt, you encouraged me.

As we stand on the other side of what seemed an unassailable precipice, we stand not as mere individuals, but together as a unit, together as a family under God. Together, we have gotten here.
And I am glad!

Five Minute Friday

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