Friday, 18 October 2013

Five Minute Friday - Laundry

I recently found Lisa Jo Baker's - weekly challenge of writing on Fridays just for 5 minutes. I am finding this to be a great creativity boost. 

This week's prompt is Laundry. So here I go! 

There never seems enough time during the week to do the laundry. At least the pile in the laundry basket does seem to melt away to nothing, but then in a blink of an eye it is full again. 

The last few days it has been hot, so hot that already bush fires have occurred and yet it is only spring.

With this weather, the washing only goes out into the sun for less than an hour and it's dried, I fear what summer will be like.

As I think about the piles of clothes already washed, a fragment of a childhood memory projects into my mind. I recall the days as a child when the washing was done with a washing board - is that what they were called? I see vividly my amah washing and scrubbing clothes on that old washboard in the garden, the effort required. I wonder if I would cope if I had to do that today.

Five Minute Friday