Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Bush fires

On Sunday afternoon, I was in the kitchen baking around 4pm, when I noticed that the light in the backyard was magnificent. When I say magnificent , I mean just simply golden, that amazing colour that appears the hour after sunrise and before sunset. Out came the camera, and the iphone and off shooting I went! 

However it then dawned on me that this was unusual, and I realised that this beautiful warm light was because of the bush fires in the Greater Sydney area. 

As the sun set, the sky was ablaze in a big ball of red.

Over the last day, we have been listening and keeping up to date particularly with what's happening in the Blue Mountains region. The forecast is dire, if the fires merge, hundreds of families could be evacuated and homes potentially in the path of a mega fire. 

Even though we are 2 hrs away I feel connected to the area,  we have been to this lovely region on countless occasions. 

Living here in the urban Sydney, we are experiencing some of the effects of the fire, particularly the smoke and ash. It's somewhat surreal. 

It brings back memories of the fires in the early 90s, when the bush in the National Park near us was alight. The smoke settled over our house for days, the sky was an eerie crimson red. I recall preparing for it, doing things like packing up precious things, cleaning out the gutters filling them with water even though it was still hours away from us. Thankfully with water bombing and the skill of the firies, the fire was extinguished.

I can only imagine the suffering of those who have lost homes already, and 
am amazed at the courage of those who have already said that they will rebuild. I think of those those who wait for the fires as the weather deteriorates particularly over the coming days and imagine what an anxious time it must be.

Right now, all I can do is pray; for the conditions to ease, for safety of those who fight the fires,  for lives and homes to be spared!

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