Friday 15 November 2013

Five Minute Friday - Tree

Life has been pretty chaotic here, but I have been looking for to Fridays and writing for 5 minutes. The sentences are but a few but the words they are mine.

Feel free to join in. See more at: Lisa- Jo Baker

The topic this week is Tree.

With the warmth of the summer sun as I stand from the deck at the back of the house, I see this massive tree in the distance. It's leaves are full and strong, bright green shimmering in the sunlight.

As Autumn approaches, I stand watching the leaves turn that beautiful autumn gold, and slowly one by one as each day passes the leaves fall and the tree begins to loose that vibrancy of life. 

By the time the cool of winter arrives, the tree is almost barren, yet somehow as I stand looking at this massive tree, though barren is striking in the winter light. It's imposing statute against the winter sky speaks as life and hope of the Spring to come.

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