The past few weeks i have been feeling a bit blah and just a bit run down!
Then I got a email about a role that I had applied for and was advised that I wasn't successful. I wasn't fully convinced that this was was the right role for me, but the rejection was still taken personally.
Then I got a email about a role that I had applied for and was advised that I wasn't successful. I wasn't fully convinced that this was was the right role for me, but the rejection was still taken personally.
For the next few hours that day - I was in a daze, my self esteem somewhat injured, and I think for the first time really uncertain about what I was suppose to do and feeling useless.
But something else happened that very day, somehow I was able to pick myself up and dust myself off and charge boldly into the next chapter of my story.
Perhaps the realisation that I am capable of something else and more, that it was time to move ahead and do something new. I spent that evening researching and looking at various options to re-skill myself in the digital arena.
I had been speaking with a friend and they advised that I should just try and open all the doors and see what happens. Some will be slammed in my face, others will open with great possibility. It happened that day, I had one door close on me that day, and another door opened.
A quote from Mark Twain also stuck with me this week.
“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”
― Mark Twain
Yesterday I opened a door and got started. I enrolled myself in a TAFE course. It feels right and I am excited, yet am feeling somewhat daunted. Will I be any good at this?
Remember what it was like to start school? I start school this week.
Linking up with Jess today on IBOT.
But something else happened that very day, somehow I was able to pick myself up and dust myself off and charge boldly into the next chapter of my story.
Perhaps the realisation that I am capable of something else and more, that it was time to move ahead and do something new. I spent that evening researching and looking at various options to re-skill myself in the digital arena.
I had been speaking with a friend and they advised that I should just try and open all the doors and see what happens. Some will be slammed in my face, others will open with great possibility. It happened that day, I had one door close on me that day, and another door opened.
A quote from Mark Twain also stuck with me this week.
“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”
― Mark Twain
Yesterday I opened a door and got started. I enrolled myself in a TAFE course. It feels right and I am excited, yet am feeling somewhat daunted. Will I be any good at this?
Remember what it was like to start school? I start school this week.
Linking up with Jess today on IBOT.